Content Management System or CMS are probably most used systems for creating a website. The leading CMS in webhosting industry are WordPress and Joomla. Let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of these Content Management Sytems.
WordPress: WordPress is the most uncomplicated CMS available for use. Nevertheless, many people assume that wordpress is only used for blogging purpose. However, wordpress can be configured easily to work in other ways. Moreover, installing wordpress on website is very easy and is installed on the servers by default and just needs to be configured. Various web hosting companies provide control panel for managed wordpress hosting account. These control panels have script libraries, which helps installing wordpress easily on the website with few clicks. This helps people who are not into web-development to create website within few hours. In addition to that, you don’t have to design other scripts or comment option as it is readily available within wordpress. However, a web-developer cannot make major modifications to wordpress, for example if he tries creating a shopping cart, the complete cms crashes. Also, there is no proper wordpress support community available because there are major crashing complaints. Lastly, wordpress site can be hacked easily if proper updates to version and plugins are not done. Even if you upgrade the wordpress and plugin versions, you would be likely to end up with more bugs.
Joomla: On the other hand, Joomla is preferred to be most stable and best content management system by web-developers and administrators. Joomla helps to design amazing looking websites and helps beginners to create great websites. Moreover, Joomla allows developer to create tools and offers and has wide capacity for customization. Joomla offers various features and keep the versions and features updated. However, Joomla’s interface is really complicated and is not user-friendly for newbies and beginners. The recent updates of Joomla were not accepted by many web-developers and are sticking to the older version.
The bottom line, selection of CMS between WordPress and Joomla depends upon the requirement and purpose of your website. The major part in selection of CMS depends on your knowledge in web-development and designing so that you can maintain the website through these CMSs. When we compare the simplicity of the interface, WordPress is a lot easier and can be managed very easily. A lot of beginners should choose WordPress over Joomla. Before choosing any of these two Content Management System, you should check the requirements of the client.